Keyword map optimization service—can set up 5 sets of keywords/3 months (tax included)
Nowadays, when everyone needs to find a place, they open Google Maps. Whether it is a convenience store,
Gas stations, restaurants, and movie theaters can all be entered directly to obtain nearby store information.
Consumers who will actively search for keyword phrases related to the services you provide have a high chance of being interested in
Interested in your product and even willing to pay for your product.
So if you can place ads on Google Maps, let consumers see your
Merchants and services will have a good chance of attracting consumers to your store to increase your sales.
sales performance.
Let the Internet Technology Professional Google Maps Advertising Team
Help your website increase traffic and orders
Save money on your keywords
Improve performance, increase click-through rates, and increase incoming calls with Internet Technology
Improve ranking to the first page of Google map
Experienced keyword advertising experts are at your service, thanks to the affirmation of hundreds of customers across the country.
Don’t waste a penny of your money and take simple steps to create a high-performing advertising campaign in no time.
Nearly 100 customer service outlets across Taiwan, quality assurance
From scratch, full exposure rises
Website negative exclusion
Website setup
website consultant
Keep up with the Internet generation and create high performance together
After payment, please provide your phone number and line ID, and the group will be notified of the optimization results.
Internet Technology will complete your order within 48/72 hours maximum
Please add LINE and notify the set keywords
Connect for details Internet Technology’s LINE ID: tnn-dobby
地圖廣告流量保證成長版~設定5組關鍵字/3個月 提高客量最佳選擇
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